Johannesburg-Lewiston Little League
Rules and Regulations
1. Clinics and practices are not optional. We will be implementing consequences for unexcused absences.
2. Game times— 1st game will be 5pm Monday—Friday 2nd game will be at 6:30pm Monday—Friday.
3. Ending times Monday—Friday no Minors will start an inning other than the 3rd after 7:30pm, no Super Minors or Majors will start and inning other than the 4th after 8pm, Tee Ball will be wrapped up and have the field raked by 6:10pm when a game follows.
4. We will be implementing a 5 run per inning rule until the last inning.
5. Majors and Super Minors will be traveling when and where TBD shooting for 4-6 away games. Likely locations will be (Gaylord, Grayling, Mio, Atlanta and Hillman).
6. We will be looking to utilize more Saturdays for games or practices.
7. Parents you will be asked and expected to help with your team. (Concessions, announcing, umpiring, and controlling yourself and our dugouts)
8. Our goal every season is to prepare our children to represent our league in All-Stars. Please explain to your child in advance that there behavior and effort throughout the season plus a try-out will determine who makes the All-Stars Team.